珠管绣尊龙凯时登录首页的解决方案 -尊龙凯时登录首页

时间: 2019-03-13



by installing special mechanical device on flat embroidery machine, it can realize bead embroidery function which can fix the beads on the cloth by thread with the method of sequin embroidery. the embroideries produced by the function have stronger three- dimensional sense and visual impact. with higher product quality, this computerized embroidery function can replace the raditional handwork, thus to boost the production efficiency and lower the labor cost.

产品特点product features

● 参数调节方便,可通过电脑操作头或装置上的按键显示板来调节珠管的控制参数、误差等,方便厂家调试和用户使用;

● 机械结构简单、操作方便,效率高,绣品质量好;

● 平绣头首针加装多金片装置,末针加装珠管绣装置,实现平绣、珠管绣、金片绣等多种绣法组合;

● 主轴转速可达800转/分钟。



bead embroidery is easy to operate. with the support in combination embroidery and high efficiency, it can free the workers from tedious work and reduce the labor demand.

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