山龙刺绣尊龙凯时登录首页的解决方案——激光刺绣       山龙电控将传统刺绣机控制系统和激光控制系统进行完美融合,在保证传统刺绣机功能的基础上,实现刺绣、激光切边、雕孔、镂花、分层切割及喷花等多种工艺的组合,形成丰富的绣品效果,从而大大丰富了刺绣机绣品的种类,提升刺绣机整机的附加值。the company has perfectly integrated the traditional embroidery control system with laser control system. on the premise of reserving the traditional function, the solution can achieves the combination of multiple crafts, such as embroidery, laser cutting, boring, ornamental engraving, layered cutting, and spraying decoration, which can enrich the embroidery products, and promote the additional value of the whole embroidery machine.激光刺绣安装模式laser embroidery installation mode全独立模式:每个控制安装一个;半独立模式:隔头安装;统一模式:每台机器仅安装一个激光头,采用门架式安装。full independent mode: install one laser head on each controller;semi- independent mode: install alternately;unified...
发布时间: 2019 - 03 - 13
山龙刺绣尊龙凯时登录首页的解决方案——锁式毛巾绣        锁式毛巾绣是在普通平绣的基础上,通过锁式毛巾装置和花版特殊针法形成与链式毛巾绣绣作效果媲美的毛巾绣绣品。绣品牢固可靠、细腻美观、不会脱线,具有超强的立体感。on the basis of common flat embroidery, lock chenille embroidery can form exquisite embroideries that are comparable with chain embroidery by using lock chenille device and special stitching method. the firm embroideries are pleasing to the eyes with strong tri-dimensional sense, and the thread is not easily loose.产品特点product features● 结构简单、稳定性高  simple structure, high stability● 绣品精美  exquisite embroideries● 绣品基于锁式针法,牢固不脱线、毛面整齐、绣品立体感强,与链式毛巾媲美。by using locking stitch, lock chenille embroideries are firm, tidy, three-dimensional, and as good as chain chenille embroideries. ● 性价比高  high cost-effective锁式毛巾绣无须像链式毛巾绣投入昂贵的成本购置专门的机器,只需要在平绣机基础上通过配锁式毛巾装置和采用相应制...
发布时间: 2019 - 03 - 13
山龙刺绣尊龙凯时登录首页的解决方案——简易绳绣        简易绳绣控制系统是在平绣机基础上,在机头侧面增加绳带绣机构装置从而实现传统盘带绣功能。简易绳绣装置可以像金片装置一样,简单的安装到首、末针位置,不单独占用机头位置,安装方便,成本相对传统的盘带机也有大幅下降,并且刺绣的效果可以与传统盘带机相媲美,是名副其实的高性价比的特种刺绣系统。on the basis of flat embroidery machine, simple cording embroidery control system can realize the traditional taping embroidery function by adding cording & taping embroidery mechanism aside the machine head. like sequin device, simple cording device can be simply installed to the first/last needle position without occupying the machine head completely. its cost is relatively low, and its embroideries are comparable to those of the traditional taping embroidery. we can say it is a product of veritable cost- effective control system for special embroidery.产品特点product features● 小装置,大功能 small device, powerful...
发布时间: 2019 - 03 - 13
山龙刺绣尊龙凯时登录首页的解决方案——金片绣   山龙是国内最早进行金片绣控制系统开发的公司,在金片绣控制方面有多年的技术积累,随着金片绣市场需求的不断变化,我公司也在不断完善金片绣整套尊龙凯时登录首页的解决方案,以满足用户的各种需求。系统支持单金片和多金片绣作。数据格式兼容当前市场上所有制版软件的金片数据格式。shanlong is the pioneer who develops the sequin embroidery control system and gains years of technology accumulation on the field. along with the constant changes taken place in the sequin embroidery market in recent years, the company has never stopped the research and development of sequin embroidery solution, so as to satisfy the various demands. the system supports single sequin embroidery and multi-sequin embroidery, and its data formats are compatible with all the sequin formats in the market today. 产品特点product features● 支持多种金片方式 support various sequin modes支持多种金片方式,包括大片、小片、叠片等。including large sequin, small sequin, overlap sequins, ...
发布时间: 2019 - 03 - 13
ci3042-m3总线伺服方案高频率   数字化传输,传输速率大于脉冲传输的500khz,避免出现超频而丢脉冲的引起的走位。绝对值   标配绝对值功能,自动读取电机位置,无需原点开关,断电前后加工零误差,无轨迹接痕,通              讯编码器更适合远距离的电机控制。网线式接线   减少前期接线、制线时间,节约安装时间;总线使电控柜布线更简洁、美观。分期保护   可以实现系统 伺服同时锁机,独有防拆卸功能,有效杜绝拖款。调试简单   系统上在线读取伺服参数,一键设置下发,无需对伺服逐一调试。高响应   总线的传输理论值为脉冲100倍,多个轴联动加工时,能有效避免因响应速率问题而导致的加              工不协调、整体效果变形等。快速   mechatrolink iii总线最高波特率100mbps,传送周期31μs, 1.8khz的速度响应频率,位          置速度指令整定时间可达2ms以下。精准   23位绝对值编码器,分辨率达23bit。
发布时间: 2019 - 03 - 11
山龙视觉scara螺丝机产品系列  总有一款适合你 一、山龙螺丝机产品简介山龙视觉螺丝机是一种基于scara机械臂基础上,由螺丝送料系统、锁付机构、控制系统及视觉系统组成的通用成熟设备。相比较于普通螺丝机, scara螺丝机采用高精度绝对值伺服和谐波减速机传动及输出,具有体积小、重量轻、移动方便、传动精度高等特点。近年来在以“多品种、小批量”特点著称的3c电子行业快速增长。二、山龙螺丝机产品线介绍 1、产品线组成  mc0013-sc—单工位产品优势:机构简单、紧凑,可靠性更高 mc0023-sc—双工位产品优势:适用二种规格的螺丝锁付场合mc0064-sc—多工位产品优势:u  适用大尺寸工件的锁丝锁付(工作范围1m)u  效率高,可同时吸附6颗螺丝 u  可扩展实时扭矩检测模块,实现过程监控4、产品线特点u  适用性强,特别适用于全自动生产线上的在线装配作业; u  锁付效率高,平均锁付时间小于1s/颗(产品不同略有差别); u  浮高、滑牙等完善的故障报警处理功能,工作异常时方便维护; u  视觉引导技术,适用于工件或者工装误差精度不高的场合; u  采用自主知识产权的cd6040驱控一体机,节约空间,方便客户定制; u  产品线齐全,可实现1-6个工位的螺丝锁付。 三、山龙螺丝机三大优势 产品线优势一:驱控一体设计u  集成化设计,提高设备稳定性       ◆数据共享方式提高了设备的响应和性能◆ 丰富的接口,扩展更方便优势二:锁付机构山龙的螺丝锁付精准定位是靠螺丝与吸嘴的内外径公差配合、批头的轴向精度定位 、以及锁付时运动方式来保证锁付精度。优势三:螺丝机专用视觉山龙视觉系统采...
发布时间: 2017 - 04 - 14

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